Lemon water doesn’t cure all those ailments mentioned and provide all of those benefits in and of itself, but as part of a healthy diet it can definitely help. Anyone who believes only drinking lemon water every day while not taking a look at the rest of their diet and lifestyle would be pretty silly anyway. There’s also a blanket statement in here about not reading content from wellness bloggers because as you insinuate they don’t have medical or nutritional training. This isn’t the case for all wellness bloggers. There is a lot of good content out there, as with anything you just have to take it with a grain of salt (or a wedge of lemon). Someone could ignore wellness blogs and go visit their doctor, though I don’t know about you, but no medical doctor has ever made specific healthy diet reccomendations to me (they may simply suggest exercising more and eating better). For someone who is looking for the benefits that are commonly listed for drinking lemon water, it’s certainly worth a try and it doesn’t taste bad either. Lemon water helped my mom lose 15 pounds when it was the only identifiable lifestyle change she had made. How much proper research has actually been done on this anyway? If a wellness blogger says it works for them, it would be an awfully specific thing to lie about to their readers.